IT Support Specialist for In-House Developed Software I have been working as a technical support for Miyagawa Kogyo Cooperation. We have a lot of in-house developed softwares such as RoadViewer and ZebraViewer. My work is usually diagnosing the road markings and the crosswalks in order to maintain road safety. We also started our business in America from 2024, and I am in charge of translating for the American corporations.
だからこの仕事が好き! 一番うれしかったことにまつわるエピソード
Having the opportunity to go to the states for a business trip From February 4th to 6th, ATSSA(American Traffic Safety Services Association)is holding a Convention & Traffic Expo exhibition in San Diego. Our company is invited to the exhibition, and we are going to exhibit our in-house developed softares. I am in charge of explaining and translating for the guests. Having the ability to go oversea for a business trip is amazing since I only work in this company for a year. I feel quite nervous since I am in charge for the exhibition but I will try my best to introduce our product to the states.
ズバリ!私がこの会社を選んだ理由 ここが好き
Wanted to utilize my ability of being trilingual I was born and raised in Taiwan and I went to international highschool in Taiwan. I then came to Japan to study in japanese universities. After I graduated from university, I started to work in this company. Since I can speak 3 languages, I always wanted to work in an international company. I heard that our company has a branch office in New York and everything is working well in the states so I decided to apply for our company. I think this company can give me the opportunity to utilize my ability of knowing three different languages in work. And this is the reason why I chose our company.
Business Development Department (Current Position - 1st Year in the Role)
Please find out what kind of industry you want to work in and then decide the company. It will be much easier for you to apply for companies since you know what you wanted to do. Also, please analyze yourself before you do job hunting, so you will know what kind of job you want to work at. Last but not least, once you get an offer, please go on a trip with you friends or family.